Yes, I have the most recent update. Did I notice a difference? Sorta, seems to get stuck less on the pop up when youre trying to post a comment and it isnt showing a grey screen as much. Are those improvements? Some would say yes and be happy that they are finally using an app that functioned I he most basic of ways.
I have been using this this app for 4 yrs now, as far as I can tell it is getting sloppier and more incoherent; just like the DMs writers.
Prepare for only 1/10 of your comments to post; it doesnt matter if it is a moderated comment section or not, the only difference is that youll have to wait for up to a day to find out if your comment went through.
Also the scrolling just repeats the same dozen or so comments, takes a little bit to figure this out because people like to post and repost and triple post the same stupidity over and over, as if they were being ignored by accident.
I constantly and having to push for a refresh and go back into he comment section just to get them to stop cycling like a broken record.
Dont bother ordering your categories, the DM sure doesnt bother classifying them anymore. Celeb gossip ALWAYS makes top world news. Last week a Twitter rant over an actor cheating on his spouse bumped actual news for almost the entire day. That story only got bumped by the "breaking news" of Trumps campaign guy bruising a reporter.
Which brings me to a good point; "breaking news" is a totally different thing in DM land, in fact a whole new understanding of British slang is needed because what you thought they meant is not what the DM means when they use jargon.
If you are a grammar aficionado it really is in your best interest to stay 100 yards away from this app; treat it as if it had a restraining order against you! Because really it is just fun and games until someone gets hurt, and in the case of this app that someone is the intelligent you. You will literally be bringing a keyboard to a gun fight, you might get a few good hits in but the DM has an unlimited supply of monkeys writing in a back room and they just drag one out to replace the one you stunned.
Hate the Kardashians? DO NOT DOWNLOAD THIS APP! The DM is in bed with that family more so than any basketball player or rapper could IG. You will need to thigh high boots to wade through the dozen K articles a day...and thats on a day when IS is blowing stuff up and Jesus is coming out of the sky. On a slow news day? Youll wish that stuff had been you or that you were one of the saved, lets just say I warned you.